Market Commentaries
“Market Fundamentals are Different Today”
June 2008Presidents-Letter-June-2008
“The Bond Insurance Debacle – “A Fine Mess”
February 2008Read Article
“It was the Best of Times, It was the Worst of Times…” Bond Market Commentary
October 2007Pres-Letter-Oct-2007_0
“The Bond Market… Can Intimidate Everyone.” Municipal Market Update
August 2007Pres-Letter-Aug-2007
Municipal Market Update
July 2007Pres-Letter-July-2007
Municipal Market Update
March 2007Pres-Letter-03-14-2007
Should I buy a 6-month T-Bill to earn 4.53%…
January 2006ShouldIbuya6-monthT-Bill
2005 Year in Review
January 20062005_Year_in_Review
Waiting for Higher Rates?
September 2005waiting_for_higher_rates
“People cannot stand too much reality”
April 2005Presidents_Letter_04-26-2005
2004 U.S. Bond Market Recap
January 20052004_US_Bond_Market_Recap
2005/2006 Interest Rate Outlook
December 20042005-2006-Interest-Rate-Outlook
“Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio?”
September 2004Presidents_Letter_Summer2004
Municipal Bond Pricing and Liquidity
April 2004PricingLiquidity
Long-term Interest Rates will NOT spike upward…
March 2004jeffsletter030504