Market Commentaries
“Sell When You Can, You Are Not for All Markets.”
January 2004Presidents_Letter_Winter2004
Our 20th Year
December 200320thYear
What Recovery? President’s Letter
November 2003PresLetter-031128
“Those were the days my friend, I thought they’d never end…”
September 2003PresLetter-030717
Registered and Qualified The “Fed” & Main Street, USA
May 2002Registered_and_Qualified
An “Old Timer’s” Look…
November 2001Old_Timers_Look_BondMrkt
Performance Matters
October 2001Performance_Matters_-Winter_2001
Our Challenge Ahead
November 2000Our_Challenge_Ahead_Win2000
“To be or not to be AAA rated”
August 2000Presidents_Letter_Fall2000
Happy To Be in the Bond Business
March 2000Happy_In_Bond_Bus
Memorial Day Thoughts
January 2000MemorialDayThoughts_Spr2000
Long Term Growth and Federal Reserve Actions
July 1999Long_Term_Growth_Fed_Resv
What Bond Should I Buy?
July 1999What_Bond_Should_I_Buy
The Equity Market: Liar’s Poker?
May 1999Read Article
Looking Back… Looking Ahead
February 1999Looking_Back_Looking-_Ahead