For Individuals
Bernardi Securities and Bernardi Asset Management assist in overseeing more than $1.40 billion in separate account portfolios. Bernardi Asset Management advises on over $170 million.
Portfolios are composed of individual bonds and traditionally structured as a laddered portfolio. The ownership of individual bonds enables control and customization, both vital components of any individual’s asset allocation. The ladder structure enables constant and consistent cash flows and reduces the need to speculate on rate timing.
We also offer Total Return and Goal-Based Strategies. Total Return portfolios are managed to mitigate the potential for loss of principal and maximizing after-tax income, while aiming to outperform the designated benchmark. Goal-Based portfolios are utilized for achieving specific lifestyle, cash-flow, or investment outlook targets. Please find our strategies listed below:
Total Return Strategies
Short Term Municipal
The Short Strategy invests in short term tax-free bonds.
Tactical Ladder Municipal
The Tactical Ladder targets a portfolio duration based on Bernardi’s current view of the yield curve and valuations within the tax-exempt municipal market.
Goal-Based Strategies
Ultra-Short Municipal
The Ultra Short strategy is a cash management alternative for those with ultra-short investment needs.
High Income Municipal
The High Income Municipal strategy is appropriate for investors with yield targets.
Taxable Strategies
Short Taxable
The Short Taxable Strategy invests in short-term taxable fixed income securities.
Intermediate Taxable
The Intermediate Taxable Strategy invests in intermediate-term taxable fixed income securities.