Entries by admin

Village of Mundelein | Lake County, Illinois | $32,790,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2019

In June of 2019 Mundelein, IL embarked on the largest single project in the village’s history. Bernardi Securities, Inc. managed the bond financing for the project. The funds raised will help consolidate Mundelein’s Public Works and Engineering facilities into one centralized location. Construction will incorporate an existing 26,000-square-foot commercial facility to save on costs and […]

City of Kalamazoo, MI Wastewater System Revenue Bonds

On May 2nd, 2018 Bernardi underwrote a new issue for the Kalamazoo, MI Wastewater System. The debt was issued in order to fund various sewer projects throughout the city, including new and replacement mains, a pump, lift station improvements and treatment plant improvements. In its entirety, the system cleans up water that flows through approximately […]

Perspective for Advisors: Best Execution

Registered investment advisors (RIA) who purchase fixed income securities for clients, should have best execution in the forefront of their minds. In July 2018, the SEC Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) issued a risk alert detailing a list of deficiencies seen in various RIA best execution policies and procedures.  Additionally, the SEC watchdog, […]

South Bend, IN Park District

Bernardi takes pride in the impact we have on local communities by assisting them and providing low cost tax-exempt and taxable funding for public purpose projects. Our impactful responsibility of marrying investors with issuers was recently demonstrated by various South Bend, IN Park District issues we underwrote. The bonds were issued to transform various parks […]

Ronald Bernardi Speaks On New Transparency Regulation

Ronald Bernardi is quoted in the most recent issue of InvestmentNews. Cost is one of the most important factors in helping a retail investor determine whether a bond strategy is appropriate and the bond manager is effective, said Ronald Bernardi, chief executive of Bernardi Securities Inc. “An investor is entitled to know what he or she […]